khaled samir

eWeather HD Radar Alerts 7.0.0

eWeather HD Radar Alerts  v7.0.0
eWeather HD Radar Alerts v7.0.0
First application to the world with weather maps and earthquake map widgets.
EWeather HD is a visually stunning and full-featured application. Get reliable weather information and 10-day forecasts, weather alerts and maps as well as weather and multi-layer weather maps and so much more directly on your screen!
EWeather HD uses two sources (located in the US and Europe) to bring you every hour of detailed forecasts as well as ten-day forecasts.
+ Air quality (for cities in the United States, cities in the United Kingdom, Paris, Berlin, Moscow etc.)
+ Two reliable and accurate data sources based in the US and Europe
+ 126 categories of meteorological alerts
+ Long-term weather forecast (10 days)
+ 24-Hour Precise Forecasts
+ Sea surface temperature
For More Info Google Play
Supported Android
varies with device

Download eWeather HD Radar Alerts 7.0.0 APK For Android